Steam sales in general almost always get leaked ahead of time and this time it’s no different. However, the seasonal sales come with the biggest bargains out of any other sale so gamers anticipate their arrival with excitement and filled pockets. Fortunately, you can now mark your calendars in advance as Steam Database, a third-party tracker for Steam, has uncovered the exact dates of the upcoming seasonal sales.

The Halloween Sale will run from October 28th to November 1st.The Autumn Sale will start on November 20th and end on November 30th.Lastly, the Winter Sale begins on December 22nd and concludes on January 5th, 2022.

While these dates are most likely accurate, take them with a grain of salt as they’re still not officially confirmed or announced by Valve. The dates fall in line with previous years’ timeframes so there’s little doubt that these will change. Steam Database actually extracts these dates from the data uploaded onto Steam by Valve itself so that adds to the credibility further. But, a leak is a leak, no matter how believable, so don’t bank on these dates just yet. Also important to note is that you can’t change your Steam region as frequently anymore. Valve has enforced a three-month rule where you can only switch your region every three months. So, don’t do any parkour switching your region to avail a cheaper price for the first (Halloween) sale as then you’ll be locked into that region for the next three months. Make sure you wait out the necessary time and grab a game at 60% and over discount as you’ll get the best deal that way.

Other Sales

Apart from the leaked seasonal sales, Steam also has two additional sales coming up in October. First up is the “Next Fest” that will run from 1st of October to the 7th. It will feature a handful of upcoming indie titles and their (most likely) free demos. Then, from 21st October to the 25th, Steam will hold the Digital Tabletop Festival. AS the name suggests, it’s a celebration of tabletop games and since it’s on Steam, expect loads of discounts on the most popular tabletop titles along with some new releases. The show will focus on RPG gaming and Auroch Digital will present the show taking the mainstage. The best bang for your buck is with the seasonal sales, yes, but that doesn’t mean the other sales Valve holds throughout the year are inferior. Well, they technically are, but my point is that you’re bound to find a good deal or two in these lesser-known bargain bins as well. So be on the lookout for something that jumps out to you. You never know when you can come across a great deal if you don’t give them all a shot. Plus, this way you can also discover new games that you wouldn’t have otherwise, so show these sales some love, too!