Just recently, Realme launched a creator’s challenge, to essentially get ideas from the community on their own ‘Dynamic Island’ takes, and suggest how such a software feature would work on the company’s own devices. This tells us, there’s a lot of interest for something like ‘Dynamic Island’ on Android, and big smartphone companies are probably already working on something similar to it.  As for the contest, participants can visit this link, here, and post their submissions in the comment box. The submission can be in the form of a drawing, GIF, or simply text, along with a explainer related to the design. Realme would select the three best proposals based on “their originality, comprehensiveness, and feasibility“. The final winner would be selected through a community poll on Realme’s Twitter handle.  If you are interested in participating, the competition is live now, and until September 21, 2022, 11:59 PM (GMT+8). The related Twitter poll will go live on September 22, and then go on till September 24, wherein the winner will be announced.  Realme UI developers will refer to the top most voted suggestion (reflecting the users’ expectations and taste) and consider it for a possible implementation in the future. – Realme Forum post Although Realme is not the only company working on some sort of a ‘Dynamic Island’ implementation. According to some forum chatter, the upcoming Redmi K60 from Xiaomi could potentially get such a feature. But there is no way to confirm this as of now, so take it with a big grain of salt. And if you have a Xiaomi device, and want some form on ‘Dynamic Island’ styled notifications, you can read our article here, on a theme that does exactly that.