Vulture is affecting players individually which means it’s usually the account which is being targeted and not the specific PC or network. Bungie has reported that the error may be with the Xbox Live server status or even the status of your Xbox Live or PSN membership. Check out the answers below to see some of the solutions and workarounds.

Solution 1: Keep Trying to Connect

Sometimes the servers are to blame, especially if they become too crowded, resulting in various weird error codes. Even Bungie has suggested to users that they should try reconnecting for a couple of minutes before trying to fix the error code in other ways. Additionally, there are plenty of users who confirmed that being patient paid off and they were soon able to continue playing the game normally. Sometimes it’s simply the servers which are going under maintenance and sometimes there is a problem with the account users are using to play the game. You can always check the status of various servers for any of the platforms available by clicking on the links below:

PlayStation Network Status: Live Status: Support:

Solution 2: Restart Your Console

This solution has helped quite a few people deal with their Vulture error code and this solution is quite a general method for fixing almost all Xbox-related issue. Naturally, this method can only be applied to users playing Destiny on Xbox. However, make sure all of your games are synced online and backed up since this process may end up deleting them from your local Xbox One memory. There are two ways to delete the cache on Xbox One and reset your console completely:

Alternative for Xbox One:

If you are using a PlayStation 4 to play Destiny, make sure you follow the instructions below to hard reset your PlayStation 4 since PS4 does not possess an option to clear the cache:

Solution 3: Delete Your Account from Your Xbox and Redownload it

Deleting your account from your Xbox is something you should be careful about since plenty of users have reported that they almost messed up their profiles when doing so. However, there is an easy way to avoid any problems when it comes to removing your account. This fix is aimed for Xbox users so make sure you follow the instructions and check to see if the Vulture error keeps on appearing. After you have successfully removed your profile from your Xbox One, it’s time to redownload it to see if everything is working. Follow the steps below.

After you have performed the steps above, it’s recommended that you perform a hard reset of your Xbox One just to make sure your profile is added without any mistakes or errors which may show wrong or corrupted data.

Solution 4: Going Offline

This unusual fix seems to have helped quite a few people deal with their Destiny Vulture error codes and this fix is something that doesn’t looks so promising but it definitely worth giving this a shot since it can be done in just a few minutes.

The next step is hard resetting your console in order to apply these changes and clear the Xbox cache which should always help when handling problems like these.

After you start up your Xbox again navigate to the same Go Offline option and turn it off. Now that you have taken care of this, open Destiny and check to see if the Vulture error code still appears while you are trying to log in.

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