There are many reasons why the game stops connecting with the server and Apex Legend Mobile Error code 3 appears;

Down Server: Sometimes the issues in Apex Legend are not client-sided, It’s a server-side issues. If that’s the case, you can’t really do anything besides waiting for servers to be back online.Poor Internet Connection: Some games require fast internet speed. They do not load or respond to bad network connections and cause launching issues. So ensure that your network speed is fast and stable.Using VPN in Supporting Region: In this case, Apex Legends Mobile faces trouble in identifying the user’s location and causes errors. So, it is better to disable VPN to avoid any errors.Outdated App: When the game is outdated, the chances of malicious attacks increase and the game stops supporting the features and functions. So, install all the available updates. Sometimes the new updates have a solution to fix the error. So ensure that your game must be up to date.Crashed or Filled Cache: Cache helps in retrieving the game files. It is very important to have space in the cache. But sometimes, the bugs might crash the cache or it gets filled and stops the game to launch properly.Missing Files or Bugs: When the game gets bugs or glitches, the chances of losing data or important files increase. Moreover, the game lost files during installation due to a slow network. In this case, unexpected errors appear on the screen.

1. Check the Server Status

Sometimes, the issue appears from the server-side. Their server gets down and Apex Legend Mobile doesn’t run on your device. So, first, check if there is any problem with the server and then wait for a few hours till the game manufacturers resolve this issue. Here are some steps you can follow to check the server status;

2. Disable the VPN

If Apex Legend is available in your region, then try to avoid using VPN. When the users try to use VPN in the supporting region, Apex Legend got conflicts with the user’s location and causes unexpected errors. So, if you have a VPN on your device, disconnect it. Now relaunch Apex legend Mobile and check if the error appears or not.  If in case, you are playing the game in a non-supporting region, and the error appears, then try to switch the VPN or relocate the location of your device.

3. Check the Network Connection

Apex Legend requires a fast internet connection. So, when the network connection is slow, then different and unexpected errors appear such as Apex Legend Launching error, Update error, Error code 154140712, etc. It is important to make sure that the network speed is fast and stable.  If your internet speed is slow, you can adopt the following ways;

4. Clear the Apex Legend Cache

The game files stop retrieving and an error appears if you have a bad cache on your device. So make sure to clean your app/game cache and check if the problem appears or not. Here are some steps to clear the app cache;

5. Update the Apex Legend Mobile

If you are still facing Apex Legend Mobile Error code 3, check whether the game is up to date or not. When the Apex Legend is outdated, few features stop working, and the chances of malware attacks increase. So, install the latest updates using the below steps and check if problems appear or not;

6. Reinstall the Apex Legend

When some of the important files do not install properly or the bugs have attacked the game, the error appears. So, uninstall the Apex Legends and then reinstall it and check if the error appears or not. So, follow the below steps;

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