SKSE is still under development which is why users might encounter the error message every now and then whenever a new update is released for Skyrim through Steam. This error message mostly points towards two things: either you have not performed the installation correctly or there is some problem with the executable SKSE64.

What causes ‘SKYUI Error Code 1’ when launching Skyrim through SKSE?

This error message is very generic and can occur to a number of different users for simplest of reasons. Some of the reasons why this error message occurs are but not limited to: Before you move on to the solutions, make sure that you have a proper installation of Skyrim on your computer which is updated to the latest build from Steam. Furthermore, you should also be logged in as an administrator on your computer.

Solution 1: Running SKSE64 as an Administrator

Like mentioned in the causes, Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) requires administrator access in order to get installed correctly on your computer. Furthermore, it also requires elevation whenever it launches because technically it is running on top of Skyrim on Steam. To do that, it requires more permission than normal applications.

Solution 2: Installing SKSE properly

If you have not installed SKSE properly on your computer, you might experience this error message. If SKSE is missing any files or have some modules missing, it will not be able to launch. Instead of giving the specific error message, it returns the generic error ‘SKYUI Error Code 1’. Here will go through how to install SKSE properly on your computer using two methods.

Using Mod Manager

Now after you have installed the archive, you would need to make a shortcut to SKSE64loader.exe and use this to start your game. MO2 users will have no issues since the loader is already recognized in it. WB users can easily copy the shortcut we created to the Apps folder in the MOPY folder so they can have the SKSE binary available in WB as well.

Installing Manually

If you are not using the mod manager, you can easily follow this manual approach and install SKSE on your computer. Here we will copy paste a few lines. Copy these files and paste them to your SSE game folder. This folder is usually located at the following path: Here (X) is the driver where Steam is installed. These are two methods which are used to install SKSE on your Skyrim. However, we recommend that you make use of the first method (Using Mod Manager) since it has much stability and is less prone to issues. Note: SKSE is in an alpha stage is currently undergoes several developments every now and then. Whenever a new patch is released, make sure that you update it to remove all bugs and to introduce new features.  

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