Same is the case while updating. When there is a new update available, Steam downloads a new manifest and compares the old one with it. It highlights the changes and alters the files accordingly. If the client fails to access the old or new manifest, it generates the error. There are many reasons why this could happen. It entirely depends on the user’s software and hardware configuration and may vary accordingly. We have listed down all the possible solutions. Go through them one by one and avoid skipping any.

Solution 1: Changing the Download Region

One of the basic fixes includes changing the download region. Sometimes, some servers may have the content manifest unavailable due to some technical error or it may be going through the scheduled maintenance. The Steam content system is divided into different regions. The client automatically detects your region through your network and sets it as default. Sometimes, servers in a specific region may be overloaded or may be going through a hardware failure. Therefore changing the download region may solve the problem in question. It is not necessary to change the download only one time, you should try changing it to a couple of different locations. Also, try setting the download region to some place either in your nearby region or someplace far away.

Solution 2: Flushing Steam config and DNS

We can try resetting your internet settings and config to see if the problem gets resolved. Flushconfig flushes and reloads the configurations for each of the applications/games installed in your PC. Most operating systems are designed to cache the DNS records. It is generally a good practice as it allows an application to process faster requests/data transfer to a website. However, if the DNS frequently changed, it is necessary to flush it so the new DNS can be retrieved and you can resume the data transfer you were doing. It removes the local cache from your computer and obtains the most recent cache that your Internet Service Provider is using.

Solution 3: Checking your Firewall and Antivirus

It is a very common reality that your firewall and antivirus software conflicts with Steam. Steam has a lot of processes going on at once to ensure that your gaming experience is nothing but the best. However, many antivirus software mark these processes as potential threats and quarantine them resulting in some processes/applications not working. We have put together a guide on how to put steam as an exception in antivirus. Follow the steps here. For disabling the Windows Firewall, follow the steps listed below.

Solution 4: Disabling VPN and Proxy tunnels

If you are using a proxy tunnel or VPN services, you should disable them and try again. Steam has anti-Ddos guard active in all of their servers. When you use VPN or tunneling, the guard may flag you as a potential threat and deny you downloading items for your Steam game client. It is a common procedure the guard flags all the IP’s and addresses which are new/suspicious and deny them access.

Final Solution: Refreshing Steam files

If the error still persists at this stage, we have no choice but to refresh Steam files. Refreshing Steam files will reinstall Steam on your computer again. We will delete some of the configuration folders to ensure that they get renewed upon the installation and all the bad files get removed. Please note that any interruption during the copy process will corrupt the files and you will have to re-download the entire content over again. Only proceed with this solution if you are sure that your computer won’t be interrupted. C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam. Userdata                                      (folder) Steam.exe                                    (Application) Steamapps                                    (folder- only preserve the files of other games in it) The userdata folder contains all the data of your gameplay. We don’t need to delete it. Furthermore, inside Steamapps, you will have to search for the game that is giving you problem and only delete that folder. The other files located contain the installation and game files of other games you have installed. However, if there all the games are giving you problems, we suggest that you skip deleting Steamapps folder and proceed with the following step.

    Note: After following all the solutions, your Steam still gives up an error, it may be the case that Steam servers are down or are not fulfilling their function. Please refer to Steam support/internet and check if the servers are working. If they are not, then the problem isn’t on your side and you can wait till they get fixed.  

Fix: Steam Content Still EncryptedFix: Steam Content Servers UnreachableFix: Steam Content File is LockedFixes for Error Occured while Updating (Corrupt Content Files) in Steam Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 13Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 81Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 39Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 3Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 21Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 41Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 67Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 32Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 80Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 31Fix  Steam Missing Content Manifest - 13