You will not be able to get messages when this error occurs. Upon reconnecting, an ‘_1’ may show up after the user’s name (number may vary as it depends on how frequently this disconnection happens to a user) and thus players will not be able to invite the user into matches.  This can become a bigger problem in private messages/whispers as the user will not be able to see if someone has sent a message to him. Here are some common workarounds which you should try before moving on with the detailed solutions: To fix/repair chat in Warframe, follow the solutions below:

Solution 1: Switch Your In-Game Region

The error 10054 could be just a communication glitch between your game’s region and Warframe servers. It can be simply checked by simply changing to another region and then reverting back to your region.

Solution 2: Enable IPv6 for the Game, Windows, and Router

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is the latest version of the IP standard. The Internet Protocol is the communications protocol that is used to provide an identification and location mechanism for computers on networks and routes web traffic across the Internet. Warframe communicates better with IPV6. Enabling this protocol in the game, Windows and your router may solve the problem.

Solution 3: Refresh Windows Network Settings

If network settings of your Windows system are corrupt or are non-optimal for Warframe, then it can cause the current Warframe error. In that case, changing/resetting these settings may solve the problem.

Solution 4: Use Google DNS

DNS server is used to translate the name of the website to the IP address of their hosts. If your DNS server is having issues in querying the Warframe servers, then the game may throw the error 10054. In that case, using the Google DNS server may solve the problem.

Solution 5: Create a New WarFrame Account

The current Warframe error could be happening due to an issue with your account. You can check that by creating another Warframe account. But keep in mind that a user is allowed to have multiple accounts but he is forbidden from trading, gifting, or interacting between the accounts. If he does, then DE will ban both of his accounts.

Solution 6: Disable UPnP and NAT-PMP in Game Options

There can be different in-game options that can cause the issue under discussion. Changing these options may solve the problem.

Solution 7: Use Static IP in the Router

Usually, the IP scheme of the home network is maintained automatically by the use of DHCP. It has its advantages, but Warframe communication uses the IP address of your PC, which can change automatically by DHCP and thus cause the issue. In that case, setting a static IP address for your PC may solve the problem.

Solution 8: Disable UPnP/ NAT-PMP/Strict NAT in the Router

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a networking protocol that allows communication of wired/wireless connections to the internet with minimal configuration. But due to the open nature of this protocol, Warframe has communication issues in using this protocol.  Disabling UPnP can solve the issue you are currently facing.

Solution 9: Use Regedit to Disable TCP/IP

Transmission control protocol over internet protocol commonly known as TCP/IP is a set of rules that are used to interconnect different systems over the internet. If the Windows registry entries relating to it are corrupt, then Warframe can throw the error under discussion. In that case, disabling the Windows registry keys relating to TCP/IP of your PC can solve the issue.

Solution 10: Change Your Router Settings

If your router settings are not configured properly for Warframe, then Warframe may throw the current error under discussion. In that case, changing these settings may solve the problem. The issue can be caused by your router’s firewall, enabled QoS, disabled DMZ If you are still having issues then the issue could be caused by the NAT settings of your router. NAT plays a vital role in remapping an IP address space. Maybe your NAT protocol settings are not configured properly for Warframe and thus causing the error 10054. In that case, configuring these settings may solve the problem. If nothing has worked for you, then try to stay in the region chat unless it is solved. Also, you should contact your ISP to solve the issue. If you are using any form of mobile internet, then maybe your traffic is being routed through APN as these ISPs use APNs. But these APNs are NAT prohibited (changing NAT settings on your router will not affect the ISP’s blockage) and thus can cause the issue. ISP can provide you with an APN where NAT is not prohibited (but usually they do not).

Fix: Warframe DirectX Device Creation FailedHow to Fix Warframe CrashingFix: Warframe Update FailedFix: Warframe Network Not Responding Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 5Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 85Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 20Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 78Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 47Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 79Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 64Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 67Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 72Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 26Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 62Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 83Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 26Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 53Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 32Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 39Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 3Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 33Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 65Fix  WarFrame Error 10054 - 18