After investigating this particular issue thoroughly, it turns out that there are several different underlying instances that might cause the 0x8078012D error. Here’s a short list of methods that might be causing this error code: Now that you are familiar with every potential fix that might be causing this error code, here’s a list of verified methods that other affected users have successfully used to get to the bottom of this issue:
Method 1: Enabling the Windows Backup service
Before you try any of the other fixes below, you should start this troubleshooting guide by investigating the number 1 cause of the 0x8078012D error – an instance of the Windows Backup service that is currently disabled. Several affected users that were also encountering this error code have reported that the issue was finally resolved after they used the Services utility to enable the Windows Backup service and restarting their computer. If you’re looking for step by step instructions on how to do this, follow the instructions below: In case you already ensured that the Windows Backup service is enabled and you’re still encountering the same kind of error, move down to the next potential fix below.
Method 2: Running a CHKDSK scan
If the first method was not effective in your case, the next thing you should do is to investigate an HDD/SSD storage-related problem. If the 0x8078012D is occurring due to some kind of corrupted storage sectors, a CHKDSK (Check Disk Scan) scan should allow you to identify any malfunctioning logical sectors and replace them with unused equivalents. Note: CHKDSK is present on every recent Windows version including Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, so you will be able to initiate a Check Disk scan regardless of your windows version. This has the potential to fix the majority of corruption instances of logical errors that might contribute to status codes related to Windows Backup. In order to maximize your chances of running an effective CHKDSK scan, you need to do it from an elevated Command prompt. In case you haven’t done this before following these instructions on running a CHKDSK scan from an elevated CMD. If you already deployed a CHKDSK scan and you’re still seeing the same error code, move down to the next potential fix below.
Method 3: Running SFC and DISM Scans
If the Check Disk utility didn’t fix the issue in your case, the next thing you should do is utilize a couple of utilities (SFC and DISM) that are capable of fixing system file corruption that might be affecting the Windows Backup utility. System File Checker and Deployment Image Servicing and Management are 2 sister built-in tools that are equipped to fix the most common corruption instances that might trigger the 0x8078012D with Windows Backup. If you haven’t deployed this utility yet, start by going for a System File Checker scan since you can do it without requiring an active internet connection. Note: Keep in mind that SFC is an entirely local tool that works by using a locally stored cache to replace corrupted system file items with healthy equivalents. Once you deploy this method, it’s important not to interrupt this type of scan since causing an interruption has the potential of creating additional logical errors. IMPORTANT: In case you’re using a traditional HDD instead of a more modern SSD, you can expect this operation to take up a couple of hours. This utility has a tendency to freeze temporarily – If this happens, don’t close the window and wait for the real-time tracking to return. When the SFC scan is finally complete, reboot your computer and see if the 0x8078012D error code is finally fixed. In case it isn’t, proceed by initiating a DISM scan. Note: Keep in mind that DISM uses a component of Windows Update to replace corrupted Windows file instances with healthy copies downloaded over the internet. Due to the fact that it relies on an internet connection, you need to ensure that your Internet connection is stable before starting this operation. Once the operation is complete, reboot your computer and use your computer normally to see if you still end up seeing the 0x8078012D error code when running a Windows 10 backup. In case the problem persists, move down to Method 4 below.
Method 4: Uninstalling Shark007 Codec (If applicable)
According to some affected users, you can also expect to encounter the 0x8078012D error due to a conflict between Windows Backup and a 3rd party codec pack (Shark007). Note: Shark007 is a popular bundle of portable codec solutions that has the potential of conflicting with several built-in tools (especially on Windows 10). If this scenario is applicable and you have Shark007 codec installed on your computer, the only solution that will allow you to resolve the 0x8078012D error is to uninstall the 3rd party codec and replace it with a less intrusive equivalent. To uninstall the Shark007 codec from your computer, follow the instructions below to uninstall the 3rd party codec suite from your Windows computer: Note: The instructions below will work regardless of the Windows version that you’re currently using. In case the same 0x8078012D error is still occurring, move down to the next potential fix below.
Method 5: Disable or Uninstall the 3rd party security suite
If you’re using a 3rd party security suite or firewall, it’s possible then a false positive is actually affecting the backup operation and triggering the 0x8078012D error. This problem is confirmed to occur by affected users with both 3rd party firewalls and 3rd party security suites. Note: If you’re using Windows Defender, skip this method altogether as there is no evidence that Windows Defender can conflict with Windows Backup. In case you’re using a 3rd party security option, you can probably avoid the apparition of the error code when creating a backup with Windows Backup by disabling the security suite prior to opening Windows Backup -Most 3rd party suites will allow you to do this directly from the tray-icon of the security suite. Simply right-click on the tray-bar icon of your 3rd party antivirus suite and look for an option that allows you to disable the real-time protection. Note: Keep in mind that if you’re using a 3rd party firewall, disabling the 3rd party suite will likely not be enough since the same security suite will remain in place even after you disable the security measure. If you’re using a firewall or simply disabling the real-time protection was not enough to fix the issue, follow the instructions below to uninstall the 3rd party firewall and see if this fixes the problem in your case: In case this method was not applicable or you’re still encountering the same 0x8078012D even after disabling or uninstalling the 3rd party suite, move down to the next potential fix below.
Method 6: Refreshing every OS component
If you tried every potential fix above and you’re still encountering the same kind of 0x8078012D error when running Windows Backup, chances are you’re dealing with some kind of system file corruption that is affecting a dependency used by the backup sequence. If none of the fixes above have worked in your case, the next logical step is to reset every Windows component with a procedure like a clean install or install repair (in-place repair). If you’re looking for the easy route, go for a clean install. But keep in mind that unless you’ll back up your data in advance, you can expect to lose all your personal data present on your OS driver. Note: A major advantage of this method is that you will not be required to use compatible installation media. However, if you’re looking for the focused approach that will leave your personal files stored on your OS drive alone, you’ll need compatible installation media to initiate a repair install (in-place repair procedure). This operation is considerably more tedious than clean installing, but the main advantage is that you’ll be able to refresh every potentially corrupted component without losing data from your apps, games, documents, and personal media that’ currently stored on your OS drive.
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