As Google keenly pointed out in its recent blog post, the company would be pushing the smart DNS system to its mobile browser, Android for now. This would work similarly to the desktop final version, using the same mechanics. It would allow users to automatically switch DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH). This would be limited to support from your DNS provider, of course. Now, if your provider doesn’t support these “fancy” features, Chrome would also allow an automatic mode. What this would do is that it would revert it to the closest supported option, according to the article, and allow the users hassle-free browsing. Giving more control to users, Google even allows a customised setting altogether. This would ensure that the user can set his/her default DNS for access. This would be much more advanced than the automatic mode. It would all be a part of the available options in the settings. This is all dependant upon the stability users have as Google continues to roll out the new build of the browser.