Many content producers, insiders, and leakers have stated that Grand Theft Auto 6 will be published at any time between 2023 and the year 2025. Of course, not all leaks will be correct, but due to their previous accuracy, certain leaks are worth discussing. According to the most recent leak from Adrien Perea, Grand Theft Auto 6 will be available in 2025. “It’s a no-brainer, just here to confirm it,” he continued. This would be one of the most recent release dates for Grand Theft Auto 6 that have been indicated by leaks.

— Adrien Perea (@PereaAdrien) September 25, 2022 Perea has previously leaked information that has since been verified, such as Forspoken’s postponement until January 2023, Skull and Bones‘ November release date, and Cyberpunk 2077’s 1.6 update. In addition, his unverified reports include Rockstar’s cancellation of the PC remakes of Ghost of Tsushima and Red Dead Redemption as well as Grand Theft Auto 4. It suffices to state that, so far, their leaks have been quite trustworthy, but it hasn’t been long enough for all of their stories to be confirmed accurate or inaccurate. Grand Theft Auto 6’s release date of 2025 makes a lot more sense than some other rumours. For starters, tens of millions of households will very probably have both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles by 2025. Another way to look at it is that Rockstar is attempting to duplicate the success of Grand Theft Auto 5’s launch. At this moment, there is absolutely no way to verify Perea’s alleged Grand Theft Auto 6 release date. If they are right, confirmation may not come for a number of years.