Fallout 4 was released in 2015 and its events occur ten years after the events of Fallout 3. The game offers the player a lot of choices and the player feels in control of every situation since it depends on his actions and dialogues. There are a lot of different endings to the story which ensures a great replay value. One of the additional options which enable the player to fully take control of the game is its console. It’s only available in the Windows version of the game and it allows the player to change virtually anything and it can make the gameplay easier. Here is a list of keyboard languages with proper keys required to open the console: The gameplay will freeze and your in-game user interface is going to fade, leaving you with a place to type in your commands. You can also take a look at your previous commands by scrolling with Up and Down arrows. There are a lot of online sources you can use to find out about different console commands to use to make your gameplay different in a way. As you scroll through a variety of different options, you are sure to find interesting options so feel free to experiment a bit but always keep your save file backed up. As the game progresses, you might find some hostiles difficult to deal with. There are various different ways to deal with them but adding some perk points might feel like the best solution since your character does not level up and the perk points you add are free to use anytime you want and you won’t have to use the console every time you enter the game. Perk points increase your performance and you get a lot of different powers associated with the perk.
How to Add Perk Points in Fallout 4?
The console command which enables you to add perk points goes like this:
Be sure to include the quotation marks as you type this in the console and be careful about uppercase letters. Instead of “
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